Sunday, December 29, 2013

Mt. Soledad La Jolla, California

Happy Sunday everyone!

Earlier this week Kyle, Tara, and I took a little car ride down to La Jolla to visit the Mt. Soledad Veterans Memorial. This memorial is one of my favorite places to pay respect and have some conversations with God {and I was pretty excited to use my new camera}. I love to experience that moment of silence around a crowd where I feel I can talk to God without the clutter of my own mind. This hill does that for me. In my bible study group, when we were beginning our 'Coffee With God' study, we watched a video that has been so powerful for me and my daily {term used loosely} time with God. I feel like Mt. Soledad could  have been my chair… just a little far away.

Here are some shots from our afternoon:

So gorgeous! If you'd like to visit the memorial use the link about to get directions.

Have a great week everyone!

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas Day

Christmas day is a LOT less running around than Christmas eve for me. We spend the day {mostly} at home - starting with presents exchanged between Mama Bear and her babes {Grandma joined us this year}. Once the mimosa's start flowing it's time to start making dinner.

This year the menu consisted of Prime rib, twice baked potatoes, Burgundy mushrooms {yeah - these cooked for 6 hours!!}, asparagus, and a delicious salad. Christmas cookies and treats were waiting for us after.

Here are some special moments from today. I got to spend time with almost ALL of my cousins this weekend - I couldn't ask for anything more.

Chrissy opening Jared's present <3

...Grandma is really pushing for a great-grandchild...

prime rib

Mama and me in the kitchen

My beautiful mother in her happy place

The 9 hour mushrooms {real recipe here}

Twiced baked goodness

The cutest wrapping ever from cousin Krista!

She made us necklaces. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE! 

The cousins

Krista & Brooke

Brit & Collin

Grandma and her grandkids {just missing a couple}

{for the last time this year - I promise}

Christmas Family Shots

As I may have expressed before ;) I love the Christmas season. There are so many different parts I throughly enjoy - but one of them is spending time with my family. Some reside right around the corner and others take a little more planning to see - but I love the holidays where we find ourselves together.

This year we congregated around Grandma's house to celebrate Christmas Eve Day. Food, drinks, games, laughs, and irritation create a day full of love and thankfulness. As part of our time honored tradition we pose in front of the fireplace for photos on photos on photos.

Here are some of my favorites:

Fireplace Portrait Session

Gift Exchange

The Jenna and Katie Show

Merry Christmas everyone! 