Monday, December 31, 2012

...NYE... Farewell 2012

Photo credit: Shop Amelie 

As the year comes to a close I can't help but feel butterflies for 2013. I love the idea of a fresh start, motivation to make new goals, and the opportunity to better yourself. 2012 has been a strange year for me. Up's and down's are vital to life and this year brought it's fare share.

Enjoying the closing days of a long break from work, sitting in gorgeous San Diego, I think of my future. I've always had a thing for fantasizing about what I want my future to hold but I quickly bypass the way to get there. For 2013 I want to start taking those next steps. Paster Chuck is constantly reminding us God wants the very good for us. {If it's just good and not very good it's not what God wants for you and me}. I am very blessed, but I have a nagging feeling it's not the very good. 

I'm looking forward to 2013 to bring me into new adventures in new settings. I want to keep an open mind and embrace those changes {my desire for control makes relinquishing decision making power difficult}. 

The past year has taught me a lot about myself. I've learned that I have more patience than I ever expected, but even that runs out. I DO know how to cook ;). I enjoy my alone time but am so grateful for the friendships I've seen grow this year. I found a deeper relationship with God and have had the opportunities to share that with others - which makes my heart leap! I've had the opportunity to spend more time with my family and show them what they mean to me. I started this blog! and set aside time to do things that make me happy. In the coming year I'm excited to learn more about myself and the things I can accomplish. 

I hope everyone has a happy and safe New Years Eve! 


Friday, December 28, 2012

Nice List

Hello everyone!

I'm finally coming down from my Christmas time high. Decorations are put away, presents have found their places in my apartment, and Christmas songs have been discontinued until next year. {Thank goodness for a few days off!! This happened much faster than last year}

I found my way on to the nice list this time around. Lots of special gifts from special people! More than getting great gifts, I LOOOOVE giving them. If you read earlier in my blog you know Chrissy and I made this Christmas Pinteresty. We handmade gifts and distributed them carefully to our friends and family. {Some of them are still waiting to be unwrapped so act surprised ;)}

We also sent out a Christmas card; by sent out I mean gave with our gifts. We developed a few new traditions and giggled our way through old ones. This was such a wonderful Christmas season for me and I feel so blessed and grateful for it. 

First the Christmas Card:

Then the Gifts:

Wreath from Hobby Lobby, double sided ribbon 
folded into a bow, hot glue, bells

Carving blocks from Hobby Lobby, Red and Green Paint, 
Silver and Gold Sharpie Pens, Carole Lyrics

Carving blocks from Hobby Lobby, Scrapbook Paper in Christmas themes, Black paint
bows made from ribbon, bell, letters cut with my Cricut {I'll have to look at my moms for the theme}

Wreath from Hobby Lobby, double sided ribbon, 
bells, hot glue, sequin ribbon

12x12 Canvas from Target, Red Paint, 
Silver Sharpie Pen, Silver Glitter

12x12 Canvas from Target, rolled up scrapbook paper, 
cardboard, twine, gold glitter, hot glue

12x12 Canvas from Target, bells from Hobby Lobby,
cardboard, twine, gold glitter, hot glue

Christmas Cookies!

Wrap Job on the BF's gift:

looks kinda like Santa's belt to me ;)

Family Time:

Upsidedown trees @ Crossroads Church

Grandma's Tree #2
{YES! those are initials made from candy cane pipe cleaners}

Uh-Oh Grandma's Fridge - awkward stages on display

Christmas Eve Lunch Buffet of goodies

Christmas Eve Lunch beverages 

Grandma's North Pole Village 

Grandma's Stockings Hung by the Fireplace with Care
{By far the favorite place in her home}

My gorgeous cousins & sister
{Please excuse my awful posture!}

My mama's Christmas Tree!

Our stockings hung by the chimney with care
{AND mom's half opened present}

Me and little Bella snuggling 

Me and Chrissy <3 

Christmas Dinner Part 1 - Prime Rib

Christmas Dinner Part 2 - Brittney and Katie

Thanks for reading!

Friday, December 21, 2012

Christmas Vacation - WHAT WHAT!!

It has been quite a while since I was able to look forward to Christmas vacation! This year my bosses gave our Christmas gifts a little early - time off. A MUCH NEEDED break and a fun Friday are starting my weekend off right.

Today is Pajama day at work. Woo Hoo!

Allison and Tanya

My work family- so excited for Santa

Being comfy and getting out of work early is recipe for success on the Friday before Christmas. 

Tonight is our Company Holiday Party at Red Hill Country Club. I'm so looking forward to getting dressed up with my honey and hitting the bar with my coworker/real life friends. 

Pictures of the evening to come!


Saturday, December 15, 2012

God has a Plan B

When I'm struggling to find my path and looking for answers there are a special two I always seek guidance from, God and my mom. Lately I've been dwelling on {what seem to me} life's big decisions ... they've been the topic of prayers and conversations with God as well as my mother... pretty much anyone who'll listen these days :)

I stumbled upon this book, while out shopping with my sister, God Always Has a Plan B. I was looking for answers and direction and I thought this silly book {the cover caught my eye} might be a fun place to start. 

The book is broken into bite-sized chapters of wisdom. I like to read a few in the morning and a few after I get home from work to bookend my day. This morning I read a chapter titled God Has A Plan B for building grace-fill relationships. I thought the message was too good not to share so here it is. If you're interested in reading more click here. 

'Humanity is never so beautiful as when praying forgiveness or else forgiving another." - Jean Paul Richter

Human relationships will never be perfect until we all get to heaven. Until that day, our interactions with family and friends will be sources of great joy, but also extreme frustration and even deep pain. 

God created relationships and gave us the perfect model of how they should look. We were meant to love each other, to server each other, and to put others' needs ahead of our own.

The world's version of relationship is, quite often, selfish. Think about how many times you've been asked "What do you look for in a friend?" "What's your idea of the perfect date?"

Conversely, have you ever been asked, "What do you hope you can bring to your friendships?" "What kind of romantic partner do you aspire to be?" Did those last two questions seem odd? Thank the 21st Century's mantra: All Me, All the Time. Have you ever heard of anyone ending a romance or a friendship by (honestly) saying, "I don't think I was bringing enough to our relationship. I wasn't doing enough for you"? Nope, it's all about "What's in it for me?" "What have you done for me lately?" "Are you meeting my needs?"

Is it any wonder that we tend to approach relationships with suspicious eyes, half-closed hearts, or worse - a "get them before they get you" attitude?

God did not intend for us to live in this bizarre relationship economy, in which we try to gain as much as we can from others while giving as little as we can get away with. 

A friendship, romance, or family relationship built on that economic model is going to bankrupt people before long. Relationships work best under God's model. IF we, with an open heart, love each other, serve each other, and put our own agenda last on the list, we reap big, hefty bushels of love and joy in return. Does this sound like a paradox? It is. Welcome to the Christian faith, an entire way of life built on a paradox. A small seed becomes a huge tree. Those who are willing to wait at the end of the line end up getting upgraded to the front. Give stuff away like there's no tomorrow, and you get it back with interest. Clutch onto stuff with a kung-fu grip, and it'll wither and die and slip right out of your hands. Serve people humbly, and you'll become a leader.

What does this have to do with your relationship with your co-workers, siblings, friends, or romantic person of interest? Simple: If you are keeping score with any of the above people, you are playing the wrong game.

It's best to put away the scorecards when it comes to your relationships. Start asking yourself questions like, "What can I bring to the table in my relationships?" "What needs do those around me have - and how can I help meet them?" "What can I do that will delight the people in my life? Surprise them? Honor them? Show them God's love?"

This approach, the one Jesus molded so well, will set you free - turn you loose to be the kind of friend, son, daughter, sibling, boyfriend, girlfriend, spouse, whatever that people will thank God for. Wouldn't you like to play the relationship game this way, not the world's way? If so, it's your turn to serve. 

Serve one another in love. Galatians 5:13

I hope this shows another perspective if you are having any troubles with the relationships in your life. It's not too late or too hard to start looking at your relationships in a different way now! God wants the best for us and if you're not getting the best it might be time to take a different approach. 

After reading this passage I knew I need to make a better effort at focusing on what I can do for others rather than what I might get in return. 

There are many other amazing 'plan b's' in this book. It's a great bedside table book to keep on hand. Please consider picking up a copy! {I got mine at Kohl's}


Monday, December 10, 2012

Holiday Partying

It's that time of year again! Holiday parties litter our calendars and if you're anything like me deciding what to wear is a delightful battle. 

I like to take inspiration from all the pretty, sparkly things around me. Below are some recommendations for this holiday party season. I focused on some of the upcoming events I have on my calendar... although I couldn't seem to find any 'Ugly Sweaters' on Ployvore... I'll just have to upload my own!

{Created on Polyvore}

I'm having a serious love affair with red, black, and gold right now. I find myself trying to mix each color into my outfits every day. I think it makes a look festive without trying too hard. Even red nails can be a fun touch to bring some Christmas cheer into your day without committing to a bright top or pant. {I'm currently rockin' red nails and it makes me happy every time I see them}

Hopefully this helps inspire you while you're dressing for your upcoming holiday events!

Date night with your Darling

Family Party

Family Party

Equipment crewneck sweater
$450 -

Zadig voltaire
$290 -

Nude wedge
$110 -

Black diamond ring

Kate spade jewelry

Gold jewelry