Monday, December 31, 2012

...NYE... Farewell 2012

Photo credit: Shop Amelie 

As the year comes to a close I can't help but feel butterflies for 2013. I love the idea of a fresh start, motivation to make new goals, and the opportunity to better yourself. 2012 has been a strange year for me. Up's and down's are vital to life and this year brought it's fare share.

Enjoying the closing days of a long break from work, sitting in gorgeous San Diego, I think of my future. I've always had a thing for fantasizing about what I want my future to hold but I quickly bypass the way to get there. For 2013 I want to start taking those next steps. Paster Chuck is constantly reminding us God wants the very good for us. {If it's just good and not very good it's not what God wants for you and me}. I am very blessed, but I have a nagging feeling it's not the very good. 

I'm looking forward to 2013 to bring me into new adventures in new settings. I want to keep an open mind and embrace those changes {my desire for control makes relinquishing decision making power difficult}. 

The past year has taught me a lot about myself. I've learned that I have more patience than I ever expected, but even that runs out. I DO know how to cook ;). I enjoy my alone time but am so grateful for the friendships I've seen grow this year. I found a deeper relationship with God and have had the opportunities to share that with others - which makes my heart leap! I've had the opportunity to spend more time with my family and show them what they mean to me. I started this blog! and set aside time to do things that make me happy. In the coming year I'm excited to learn more about myself and the things I can accomplish. 

I hope everyone has a happy and safe New Years Eve! 


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