Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Thanksgiving Prep

Thanksgiving Eve and you can find the granddaughters {minus Britty} setting up for Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow night. We've been doing this for years - Grandma loves to tell us where everything goes and we love to give her a hard time by putting things in the wrong place or spaced out unevenly. 

Thanksgiving is such a special time for my family. We love getting together, and do frequently, but this time of year brings a palpable feeling I love to soak up as much of as I can. 

Thanksgiving day goes a little something like this...

- Arrive at Grandma's - two kisses for grandma and hugs hello for everyone
- Hair and Makeup check
- Pictures, Pictures, Pictures
- First round of drinks are made while cooks fill the kitchen
- The girls sneak away and take silly pictures with Grandma's Fall decorations
- Late comers arrive just in time to chit chat then gather round the table
- Confusion about where to sit and who can be by whom riles everyone up like it's our first time {mind you we've been sitting in the same place since I've moved up to the adult table - and we have name tags... still confusion}
- Grandma begins the prayer while Chrissy, Katie, Brittney, Dad, and I squeeze each others hands to provoke giggles {completely un-sacreligious but traditional} ... our secret is out now...
- Plates are filled and cleared during entertaining/informative/interrogative conversation takes place
- Everyone helps out to clear the table 
- Girls disappear {minus Britty} to avoid dishes ...another secret out...
- More silly pictures in front of the fire place
- Sometimes we can convince Grandma to play games with us... usually Crack the Case is the only game we can agree on {The most outlandish guesses are thrown up in a Hail Mary type fashion and once or twice have been the actual answer!}
- The time for goodbyes

As much stress and work one day can be it's still one of my favorites.

Here are some pictures from Grandma's today:

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