Sunday, March 31, 2013

Pizza Party

Hey Y'all! 

I'm not sure if I should blame my Italian genes or my deep love for carbs, but I am obsessed with pizza. Literally - each and every meal is pizza acceptable.  So I wanted to share my pizza party preparations. 

Usually my mom is the pizza queen, but I took over as pizza princess this weekend. I cheated this round and purchased dough and sauce {bad Italian} ... partially because my mom wouldn't help me with the sauce :) ...

Mushrooms, Peperoni, Goat Cheese, Mozzarella Cheese, Basil, Tomato, Pizza Sauce, Olive Oil & Garlic {Margarita pizza is my ultimate favorite}

Fresh & Easy Pizza Dough 

I cut the balls of dough into 4 pieces / let them come to room temp / and then stretched to semi-ish circles / don't forget to put cornmeal on your work station so the dough doesn't stick

Then I brushed the garlic olive oil over the dough and swirled the sauce on top

Then time to decorate with your favorite toppings!!

Meanwhile, preheat your over to 450* with a pizza stone on the lowest rack 

Scatter corn meal onto the pizza stone right before you put your mini pizzas in the oven

Make sure you make those pizza doughs as thin as you can or else they'll get really doughy {unless you like it like that :) }

Finished product shots!

Bake for 11 minutes and then let cool before you cut into pieces

These turned out sooo delicious - doesn't even come close to mama's pizza but a lovely substitution. Prep time is pretty minimal and worth it! You can make these for entertaining, on a date, or even for little ones. Topping the pizzas are such a fun activity... as Chrissy would say... "Everyone gets what they wants to eat!"

Monday, March 11, 2013

Cousin Trip to AZ

This past weekend taught me a few things about myself...

1. I love using hashtags in everyday conversation
2. My family is hilarious and we have a very disturbing sense of humor
3. I have a developed a deep love for Los Favs breakfast burritos
4. Driving home {without a hangover} from a weekend getaway is much faster than driving to your destination

I don't think I can explain, in a way anyone would be able to understand, the amounts of fun/ laughter/ annoyance that went down this weekend if you weren't there ... so pictures will have to suffice. 

First time to Los Favs

Passengers on the Strug Bus

Getting ready for night two

Not the weather I planned for in AZ

Light Rail was an eye opener

Goin fam

etiquette always ... pinky's up!

Not pumped to sit boy girl on the rail

In a sea of Team Mexico fans

The Jenna and Katie show

Cousin faces

the whole group 

so excited!

Same time - I looked possessed 

The brother I never had/wanted

This is our hair after dancing in the drizzle all night

Fake Dodger Fans {this caused a lot of trouble}

If you can't beat them at 3AM join them

Dodgers Spring Training v Mariners

Sushi 101 dinner for Collin's non-birthday

Too many good times and jokes to count - Pictures galore but not blog worthy - I'm so happy/ surprised to be hame safe.

... Until next time Arizona...

Monday, March 4, 2013

Blown Away

This has been one of the best weekends in quite a while! {Actually - the past few weekends have been pretty incredible} This weekend was wrapped up with the Carrie Underwood concert -nbd. Hunter Hayes - so adorable! I am in love with his songs. He was amazing live - such a rockstar! And Carrie was as stunning as always <3

Grandma bought Katie tickets for her college graduation and she graciously brought Chrissy and me! Woo Hoo! We had so much fun! 

Here are some pictures:

I have got to figure out my camera switch... poor image quality makes me cranky :)